Audit and Tax Advisory Services in Hong Kong

We provide company audits and tax filing to take care of your audit procedures and tax advisory, while helping you meet Hong Kong’s regulatory and compliance requirements.
Trusted by 2,000+ esteemed businesses around the world

Statutory audit, project audit and more

Conducting an audit can be a daunting task, that’s why the audit team at NOVA provides you with reports that meet auditing standards, evaluate and identify risks and internal control issues.

Hong Kong tax filing and computation

Let our professional audit & tax team handle your tax filing and computation so that it is accurate, compliant and straightforward.

Tax Advisory

We simplify the tax filing process, ensure your tax is compliant with the ever-changing legal standards, and provide valuable strategic advice for business growth.

Working with us is easy

Our services are tailored for busy business owners like you, so that you can focus on things that matter the most

Get an instant quote

Speak with your dedicated relationship manager and we will provide a quote based on the basic company information you provide.

Submit docuements for audit and due diligence

Upon the audit engagement confirmation and due diligence process, we will collect mandatory documents from you to initiate the audit process.

Audit procedure and preparation of report

Our professional audit team will process the audit within the required and agreed timescales.

Audit procedure and preparation of report

Our team will prepare the audit reports, obtain the director’s signature and submit with tax computation and tax return to Inland Revenue Department.

Our clients

Our services have supercharged over 2,000 businesses of different sizes and industries, such as shopping malls, tech startups, multinational enterprises, restaurants, and retail chains.

What our clients say

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NOVA excels in giving us professional advices and helpful to our customised needs.
Dennis Chan
Managing Director,
Iron Ore Company Limited
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NOVA's staff and management team have endeavoured to place us in the office space that suits our evolving consultancy needs
NOVA 的員工和管理團隊努力為我們提供適合我們不斷變化的諮詢需求的辦公空間
Richard Thompson
Insite Solutions Limited
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I would strongly recommend NOVA to anyone who is embarking on a new business in Hong Kong
Tricia Lim
Managing Director
Lotus Expat Relocation Services
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We could not be more pleased that we selected NOVA to be our initial landing in Hong Kong
Caroline Chow
Business Development Manager
Gibson Brands

Frequently asked questions

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According to the Hong Kong Company Ordinance, all companies incorporated in Hong Kong are required to appoint an auditor for each financial year. Further, the audit report is one of the reporting documents the directors of a company must produce for the annual general meeting.

Generally, all companies have to submit the first profits tax return and audit report to IRD within three months after the issue date of the first profits tax return.

If companies set the year-end date as 31st Dec or 31st March, they can apply for a block extension from the second financial year. If companies set the year-end date as 31st Dec and apply for the block extension, they can submit the profits tax return and audit report on 15th Aug. If companies set the year-end date as 31st Mar and apply for the block extension, they can submit the profits tax return and audit report on 15th Nov.

New companies are free to set any date within 18 months after registration under the Hong Kong accounting standards and the Company Ordinance. If companies set the year-end date as 31st Dec or 31st March, they can apply for a block extension from the second financial year and can submit the profits tax return and audit report later.

Audit fees depend on the estimated time involved in completing the audit engagement. Also, the auditor will consider the professional risk and exposure they generate by issuing an opinion.

We normally take three or four months to accomplish the audit once we receive payment and the needed documents (due diligence documents and accounting documents).

According to Company Ordinance, a company is required to perform the audit and present the audit report to its AGM annually, regardless of their profit amounts or inactive status.






當NOVA 收到費用及所需文件(盡職調查及會計文件)後,我們將會在3-4個月內完成審計。







当NOVA 收到费用及所需文件(尽职调查及会计文件)后,我们将会在3-4个月内完成审计。


Couldn’t find the answer you need? Schedule a call with us.

找不到你需要的答案? 請按此聯絡我們的幫助中心

找不到你需要的答案? 请按此联络我们的帮助中心

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The Company Ordinance does NOT restrict a company’s year-end date. In other words, the directors are free to determine the year-end date. Normally, most Hong Kong companies choose either 31 March or 31 December as their year-end date.

The three main types of taxes levied under the Inland Revenue Ordinance (IRO) are profits tax, salaries tax, and property tax.

Persons, including corporations, partnerships, trustees, and bodies of persons carrying on any trade, profession, or business in Hong Kong are subject to tax on all profits (excluding profits arising from the sale of capital assets) arising in or derived from Hong Kong from any trade, profession, or business. Therefore, no distinction is made between residents and non-residents. A resident may therefore derive profits from abroad without paying tax; conversely, a non-resident may be taxed on profits made in Hong Kong. Whether a business is carried on in Hong Kong and whether profits are derived from Hong Kong is largely a matter of fact; however, some guidance on the principles applied can be found in cases that have been considered by the Hong Kong Courts and the Privy Council. No tax is levied on profits arising abroad, even if they are remitted to Hong Kong.

If a person sells his flat or any property as part of a profit-making scheme, it will be regarded as a business and he is required to pay tax on any profit he may make.

1) Simple tax system
2) Territorial source concept
3) No tax on dividends
4) No sales tax, consumption tax, or value-added tax
5) No withholding tax on dividends and interests
6) No capital gains tax
7) No estate duty

The statutory tax rate is 16.5% for corporations and 15% for unincorporated businesses. A two-tiered profits tax rates regime applies: 8.25% for corporations (7.5% for unincorporated businesses) on the first HKD 2 million of assessable profits, and 16.5% for corporations (15% for unincorporated businesses) on the remainder of assessable profits.

To avoid abuse of the two-tiered tax regime, each group of connected entities can nominate only one entity to apply the two-tiered tax rates.

In consideration of whether a company is carrying on a business in Hong Kong, the IRD applies “Six Badges of Trade” as follows:

1) Profit-seeking motive at the time of acquisition
2) Subject matter of the commodity disposed
3) Length of ownership
4) Frequency of similar transaction
5) Supplementary work done on the property
6) Circumstances leading to the disposal

Generally, the profits tax return and any required supplementary forms should be filed within one month from the date of issue. The compliance date of submission is specified on page one of the profits tax return. In the case of a newly-incorporated company, the IRD usually allows the taxpayer to spend more time preparing the profits tax return and any required supplementary forms, which should be filed within three months from the date of issue. A block extension scheme may be applied to certain companies when their conditions fit the IRD-stated requirement. For details, please consult our relationship manager.

A Hong Kong company is liable for profits tax if certain conditions are fulfilled, as stated in Inland Revenue Ordinance (Chapter 112).





1) 簡單稅制
2) 地域來源徵稅原則
3) 無股息稅
4) 無銷售稅、消費稅或增值稅
5) 不就股息或利息徵收預扣所得稅
6) 無資本增值稅
7) 無遺產稅




1) 購入物品時是否有追求利潤的動機
2) 出售的物品性質為何
3) 持有物品多久
4) 類似交易的密度
5) 有否為物品加工
6) 售出物品時的情況



根據《稅務條例》(Cap. 112),若符合特定條件,香港公司將須繳付利得稅。





1) 简单税制
2) 地域来源征税原则
3) 无股息税
4) 无销售税、消费税或增值税
5) 不就股息或利息征收预扣所得税
6) 无资本增值税
7) 无遗产税




1) 购入物品时是否有追求利润的动机
2) 出售的物品性质为何
3) 持有物品多久
4) 类似交易的密度
5) 有否为物品加工
6) 售出物品时的情况



根據《稅務條例》(Cap. 112),若符合特定條件,香港公司將須繳付利得稅。

Couldn’t find the answer you need? Schedule a call with us.

找不到你需要的答案? 請按此聯絡我們的幫助中心

找不到你需要的答案? 请按此联络我们的帮助中心

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